What materials should I use when designing a kitchen?

One of the important issues you should decide when starting kitchen decoration is the material for kitchen countertops and cupboards. The content and color of the material you use will be relevant both in your style and where your decoration is.

-The biggest advantage of benches made of natural stone is that they are quite robust. Marble countertops and granite countertops The granite countertops are made of a material that insulates heat, is durable and can be found in dozens of different colors. It has a colorful structure.

– Corian benches, which are included in the hard surface benches, are also known as acrylic benches. Acrylic countertops are materials such as stone, sand and glass – porcelain along with raw material. A material collection that can be produced on CNC machines and can be shaped in detail is very popular.

-Dexton benches are in composite benches. They are hard and easily machined machines that are formed by compacting several different materials at high temperatures and pressure. Hard surface bench features like Corian machines. Dexton machines are produced by compressing, despite their robust structure can be very thin.


Quartz countertops can also be shown in the composite class, but they are not considered to be more economic than quartz stone origin. The color chart is also less varied than other hard surface counters. It is usually found as a single color, but there are variegated varieties. Scratch-resistant and robust structure.

-Laminate material is a material consisting of a polish layer, paper sheet, and HDF (compressed chipboard) layer. It is used in many areas such as bench, parquet and flooring. Laminate counters have a smooth surface and are available in hundreds of colors and patterns. Careful cleaning can withstand long periods of time but against heat and scratches It is impossible to trace the trail that will occur even when leaving a hot pot.

What kind of floor should I use for my kitchen?

One of the most important issues when designing a new kitchen is undoubtedly the choice of floor. Here you can find it in our multicenter material and style to suit your taste and budget. There are certain issues that you need to focus on together. In an apartment or in a detached house? Is your kitchen on the ground floor or upstairs? Some materials used on the ground need to be made better sound insulation than others, which is an issue that must be considered. If your kitchen’s routine rooms include small children or the elderly, you may need to choose a material that is less at risk of slipping. Flexible floor coverings have become popular choices for kitchens. Wooden floors, on the other hand, blend perfectly with the main styles; Modern, country style, industrial, rustic and various blends of these styles come in the design of styles that are compatible with wooden floors. Classic parquets can also play an important role in creating extremely popular kitchens with very popular floors, elegant patterns. Harder floor preparation is also common in kitchens. Tiles in the rooms are also efficient options for kitchens because they are easy to clean. Both flexible and hard floor options have their advantages and disadvantages. So if you do one research to find the right one for you, it has it from time to time.

White and Black kitchens

An all-white kitchen is, without a doubt, a bright and modern option. It is also very important that they are decorated with various colors according to various moods, tastes, seasons and trends. White kitchens, kitchens, or kitchens in neutral tones in general, will be a good choice if you want to sell your home in the future. More ambitious and bright decorations appeal to a relatively narrow audience. So he can make your choice. The black kitchen is indisputable. And such a kitchen draws attention as the focus of the focus on the inside. Also take into account the dimensions of your kitchen. Light colors are the right choice for small kitchens. In a larger kitchen, you have the chance to try both the darker and the more ambitious computer. A combination of white and black. Balanced, refined and stylized black and white kitchens may well be the right choice for you.

Published by Ziya Gokkaya


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